
What Bob Can Do for You

Speeches, Keynotes & Breakouts

Are You Speaking Geekinese?

“It’s so confusing. What could it be?
I think I’m losing my sanity.
I’m talking and no one’s talking back to me.

It’s so frustrating! What’s the protocol?
Should I keep on trying or forget it all?
I think I might as well be talking to a wall!

I think I’m speaking Geekinese,
I think I’m speaking Geekinese,
I really think so!”

Experts in all fields are asked to communicate with others about their specialty. Depending on the situation however, they may be losing the attention of those with whom they are working. Many times this is because of their usage of their specialty’s jargon or "Geekinese" that may not be understood.

During this 45-minute interactive speech, attendees will discover if they are using "Geekinese" in a way that confuses their customers or coworkers. They will learn a 4-step approach to identify and then use their specialty’s jargon appropriately for their specific audience.

Bob will keep this session fun and entertaining by using your organization’s specific terminology. Each session will be customized to your group. The audience will be actively involved in the presentation. Each session is different based on the way the audience directs it.

This speech can be given to any group that interacts with customers. This may include support or sales. It also can be delivered to specialized organizations or associations of specific professions ranging from accountants to zoo keepers!

Tell a Technical Tale

Storytelling has become a major business trend over the last several years. It seems to be the most important topic that is being discussed in business publications. If you are a technical expert however, you might think that this does not apply to you. You might think that if you tell a story during a presentation that you will lose your credibility. Nothing could be further from the truth!

In this program, you will learn why storytelling has become so important. You will learn when and where to add stories in your business. You will then learn a simple 5-step formula that will help you write a 5-sentence story that you can use immediately.


World Class Speaking

Many times when an expert is asked to give a presentation, the tendency is to give a "data dump." By the time the presentation is done, the audience has already checked out. However, have you ever been to a presentation where the speaker was so engaging that you found yourself sitting on the front of your chair waiting for the next words of wisdom to come? Do you want to become that speaker? In a highly-interactive style, this workshop teaches the competencies of a World Class speaker.

In this workshop your attendees will learn…

1. Platform skills
2. Storytelling and how to create a simple story
3. Presentation structure

Every section includes multiple interactive exercises to allow the attendees to practice what they learn.

Platform skills include:

• How to handle nervousness
• How to eliminate “filler words”
• How to use eye contact and movement to engage the audience

Storytelling covers:

• Why storytelling is so important for experts
• How to include stories in a technical presentation
• A simple 5-step formula to create a story
• At the end, attendees will create and tell a story to the others

Presentation Structure is very important so that the audience can easily follow along.  Attendees will learn and practice the following:

• What does their audience want out of the presentation
• How to grab the attention of the audience immediately with a “big bang”
• Provide a roadmap for the audience
• Follow the roadmap
• Handle Q&A the RIGHT way
• Close every presentation powerfully

Individual Coaching

Bob works with individual speakers in 1-1 coaching sessions.  The fastest way for you to improve your speaking is with a coach. Are you ready for a coach?  Answer these questions:

1. Are you serious about becoming a better speaker?

2. Do you want to be able to connect with your audience?

3. Do you want your audience to do something as a result of your presentation?

If you answered yes to any of these then you’re ready for a personal speaking coach.

Great speakers follow processes to create and deliver great speeches. It is a skill that you can learn by implementing specific formulas and techniques that you can learn.

Contact Bob today to get a free coaching session and see if personal coaching is right for you.